Teaching and Researching Speaking


CONTENTS Figure list General Editor’s Preface Acknowledgements Publisher’s Acknowledgements Introduction Section I Issues in teaching and researching speaking 1 Conceptual and historical background 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The skill of speaking 1.3 The nature of speech in contrast to writing 1.4 Where does speech fit in language studies? Summary 2 The research space: paradigms and issues 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Classical research paradigms in relation to researching speaking 2.3 Attitudes to speech data 2.4 The applicability of research approaches and frameworks to the study of speech 2.5 Levels of analysis Summary Section II Issues for teaching and assessing speaking 3 Approaches, materials and the issue of ‘real’ speech 3.1 Introduction 3.2 What are our models and standards when we teach speaking? 3.3 The evolution of materials to teach speaking 3.4 The current scene in materials to teach speaking 3.5 Bringing the skills together Summary 4 Issues in assessing speaking 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Why the nature of speaking is a challenge for test designers 4.3 A comparison of contrasting test paradigms for oral assessment in three high-stakes tests Summary 5 Approaches to researching speech 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Quantitative and qualitative approaches towards researching speaking 5.3 Theory-driven, positional, or ideas-based approaches to researching speaking 5.4 Examples of contrasting approaches in researching speaking 5.5 New directions Section III Researching speaking 6 Spoken language and the classroom 6.1 Introduction 6.2 The Status of Speaking in Classrooms 6.3 The role of spoken interaction in Communicative Language Teaching classrooms 6.4 Drawing on classroom practice for research and vice versa Summary 7 Research project ideas and frameworks 7.1 Introduction 7.2 A project on spoken language found in textbooks versus a corpus 7.3 A project on the effects of speech rate in the context of English as Lingua Franca presentations 7.4 An exploration of inter-cultural expectations in conversation 7.5 A project that analyses a professional speaking genre so it can be handled in the classroom 7.6 A project on speaking assessment with low education immigrant test takers 7.7 A project investigating the relationship between gesture and speech processing using fMRI scanning techniques Section IV Resources and further information 8 Research borders and boundaries 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Speaking and ethnographic or cross-cultural studies 8.3 Speaking and psycholinguistics 8.4 Speaking and neuro-linguistic studies 8.5 Speaking and corpus linguistics 8.6 Speaking and new technologies 9 Research resources 9.1 Traditional library resources 9.2 Societies and organisations 9.3 Online resources 9.4 Speech corpora 9.5 Speech recognition and text-to-speech 9.6 Online pronunciation and intonation resources 9.7 Miscellaneous sites for the applied linguist with an interest in spoken discourse 9.8 Moving towards your own project on spoken discourse 9.9 Sources of inspiration for research 9.10 Research skills summaries Glossary References Index