Situacions d’aula II. Materials docents d’ús interdisciplinari.

  • We present working material for teacher training and Primary Education. The situations presented are: I) “There is fog in Grau de Castello.” Writing a story. CEIP “La Marina”. In this situation, a group of boys and girls infant, 5 years old, with his teacher, so write a new collective bargaining • (task duration: 28 min.). II) “Pasamos list.” ceip “Luis Vives”. In this situation, a group of boys and girls 4 years, along with their teacher, go shopping at the beginning of the class to ensure that the children have gone to school that day (the task duration: 5 min. 30 s.). III) “El Caballo”. Reworking of knowledge from a global project work. ceip “Luis Vives”. In this situation, a group of boys and girls 4 years and their teacher trying to remember the activities carried out during a global project work on “El Caballo” to give them to know their fellow other courses and others. (Task duration: 27 min.) In each situation shows oral interaction and activities carried out by the teacher and the children, to carry out the tasks that have been proposed. The language used in the interactions in the classroom (Spanish or English) has been in the transcript. Transcripts obtained from recording video, divided into episodes and time sequences. Each episode consists of a segment of a transcript that reflects activity within the central task, in relation to the content of education (eg, plan and write some text, edit the text written on the blackboard, roll, choosing the theme of a project, etc.). The units represent sequences of action and / or themes in the episode, and are isolated based on their purpose, to facilitate understanding and analysis.