1.1 Background of the Study

Supplier selection is a procurement planning activity which allows managers to search for and find credible sources of supply that can ensure the availability of materials, equipments, fools, components, protects, consumables, and services at the right price, quantity, at the right tine and place. In order to ensure contritely of supply purchasing officers must spend tine and effort in investigating and evaluating prospective sources or suppliers and continuously appraising the performance of current suppliers in order to aund the problem of overstocking, under stocking, or complete non availability of material in the organization.

In order to ensure accuracy in supply, uninterrupted flow of materials in and out of the organization, purchasing manager have to decide the kind of product or service that best fit needs, decide whether to but what they require or of produce (make or buy decision) whether to buy locally, nationally, or internationally, whether to use singly or multiple source of supply, whether to enter into partnership or reciprocity agreement, whether to engage in negotiation or bidding whether to buy from distributors or directly from the manufacturers. All these issues attract diligent and efficient decision that will aid the organization to attain its full potential.

1.2            Statement of the Problem

Sourcing decision is very important because it properly conducted can move the organization to a greater height. Right sources of supply in most cases ensure steady availability of the right quality and quantity of materials in the organization. However, it the right source of supply is not contracted due to corruption personal interest or negligence, it may result in delay in supply of materials. This delay may result in pnice buying which may likely lead to purchase of low quality materials or making such purchases at an exorbitant price. This delay might also result to absohilte stock out of materials in the organization. Thus could result to break down of production activities in the organization other problems such as production of poor quality output, idle time labourers and machines, fall in sales turnover, diminished profit and name it. Will be experience in the organization for the organization to be able to address these problems, they have to decide the criteria for supplier selection, and the sourcing policy I decision to employ that will ensure steady availability of materials in the organization, that can improve their chances in the soft drink industry or probably make them leaders.

1.3  Objective of the Study

This research work is aimed at determining sourcing decision and its effects on material availability in 7up bottling company plc Kaduna plant. The study is specifically designed to study ways of ensuring continuous availability of the right quality and quantity of materials in the organization at the right time and place in order to avoid shortage in supply and even complete stock out of materials in the organization. The following are the objective of the research work:-

  • Identify the criteria in use by the organization for supplier selection
  •  Examine the method employed by the organization
  • Examine the method employed by the organization in evaluating suppliers.
  •  Examine the challenges the organization usually face when sourcing for materials.

1.4            Significance of the Study 

The importance of this research will rest on the benefit that will be derived by venous section of the society including the organization under study and the researcher. This research work will increase the researcher’s knowledge of the topic. The researcher hope that 7up bottling company Plc Kaunda plant will be provided with meaningful and useful source of supply. Those who wish to research on this qeld will also benefit from this research work, as it will serve as a road map for them to write their own. Research work. Most importantly, it is a pre-requisite for the award of Higher National Diploma in purchasing and supply.




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